Stronghold was unable to process my payment

If you received a text message from Stronghold stating that we were unable to process your payment, it means that when we tried to retrieve funds for your transaction from your bank, there were insufficient funds to complete a payment.

To ensure that the payment is successful and your transaction is completed, please ensure there are sufficient funds in that same account for at least 3 business days. Provided your bank account maintains sufficient funds, we will automatically retry the payment again. We are unable to process this payment sooner, it will process automatically.

When the payment is successful, we will communicate this to you via text message. Please note,  it may take us up to 5 days to confirm that the payment was successful. From that point, you will be able to use ACH payments with a merchant again.  

You may find that the original payment attempt shows in your bank transactions even though it did not complete successfully. That should disappear after a few days. If you still see the original payment after 7 business days, please let us know.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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