Deactivating a Customer’s Bank Account

If a customer is having issues using a specific bank account, or simply would like to remove it from the system, they are able to do so in the order checkout screen.

Merchants can also remove, unlink, and deactivate bank account through the Merchant Dashboard.

  1. Click Customer in the top menu bar
  2. Search for the customer by name, email, or phone number

Phone number tends to be the most unique identifier if you’re having trouble finding a customer by name or email.

  1. Click into their Customer Details and look under Active Payment Sources
  2. Click the red Deactivate button for the specific bank account you’d like to unlink
  3. Click Confirm in the pop-up window

The customer will no longer see this account saved under their profile upon checkout.

They will be able to relink the account upon checkout the next time they order.

This will not change the bank account being used for any current transactions that are being collected.

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