Report Email Notification

You can opt in (i.e., subscribe) to have any report automatically sent to your email address daily, weekly, or monthly, or all of the above. In all cases, you will only be notified if there is activity in the report.

For example, if you subscribe to one of the Outstanding Returns reports and set it to run daily, then you will only be notified on days when there is a new exception. This lets you focus on running your business while still providing the information you need when you need it.

  1. To opt in, go to the Stronghold Dashboard > Reports
  1. Click Create Automated Mailing
  2. Select the Dashboard User who will receive the reports
  3. Select the Report
  4. Select Month, Weekday, and/or Everyday (for monthly, weekly, or daily)
  5. Click Create Automated Mailing

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