Outstanding Returns Report

The Outstanding Returns Report allows merchants to see what transactions have not yet been captured and the status of those charges.

This report is useful to help reconcile outstanding balances as well as get an update on what charges have been successfully captured that were previously outstanding.

Returns here reference charges that were not successfully captured due to the customer having insufficient funds, and therefore were returned back from the bank. It does not refer to customer refunds.

Downloading the Outstanding Returns Report

  1. Log into the dashboard and click Reports in the top menu bar.
  2. Click Outstanding Returns Report.
  3. Click Download Report for a monthly report. You can change the month by clicking the arrows.
  4. Click Advanced to search by a certain date range.

Understanding the Outstanding Returns Report

This report will have a breakdown of three statuses with the associated charges below it. You can see these in Column A.

Successfully Collected - these are charges that were previously uncollected but have since been successfully collected.

Awaiting Collection - these are charges that are outstanding and attempting to be collected.

Disputes / Failed Collection - these are charges that have been disputed by the customer or failed collection and cannot be resolved. These charges will need to be settled directly between the merchant and customer. These instances are rarer.

Data Breakdown

Each column is detailed below:

A. This column shows the three categories above and the original date of the charge.

B. Status shows the current status of the charge

C. Total Amount is the total charged to the customer including convenience fees.

D. Convenience Fee is the fee the merchant charges to the customer. Stronghold fees do not apply to the convenience fee.

E. Gross Amount is the total amount that Stronghold calculates its fees from.

C. Total Amount - D. Convenience fee = E. Gross amount

F. Fee is the fees paid to Stronghold by the merchant.

G. ID is the internal ID for the charge in Stronghold’s system.

H. External ID is the order ID in the merchant’s POS or technology system that’s integrated into Stronghold.

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