Rather than logging in with just a username and password, 2FA provides an extra layer of security for your assets. Even if your password falls into the wrong hands.
Let’s walk through how to set up Two-Factor Authentication for your Stronghold account.
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication
1: First, download the Google Authenticator app to your mobile device.
2: Next, login to your Stronghold account. From the Launchpad, Click ‘Turn on 2FA’.
(Note: You can also access your security settings from your ‘Wallets’ page by selecting “Security” from the drop down menu by your username.)
3: Make sure you are on the 'Security' tab
4. Click 'Enable' under ‘Two-Factor Authentication’
5. Open Google Authenticator and scan the QR code from your Stronghold account.
Next you will be given a recovery code. We recommend you store this in a password manager. If you choose to write down your recovery code, make sure to store it in a safe place. You will need this if you ever lose access to the Google Authenticator app and phone.
6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication by entering the 6 digit number from the Google Authenticator app.
Your ‘Two-Factor Authentication’ will now display as being ’Enabled’
And that’s it! You are now covered by an extra layer of security. From now on, each time you login to your Stronghold account, you will need the random 6 digits from the Google Authenticator app (unless you disable this feature.) We strongly recommend keeping two-factor authentication turned ON at all times.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with 2FA, please check your device’s time settings to make sure they are correct. The Google Authenticator app is time-based, even 1-minute difference will render the codes invalid.
For more assistance with Two Factor Authentication please visit our Help Center