Exchange Service Closed

Stronghold closed its retail exchange service on April 11, 2019.

While deposits from retail customers were disabled after this date, the login remained accessible for existing customers to check their account or wallet balances and organize withdrawals until May 2020.

Customers with non-zero balances were contacted regarding the withdrawal of their funds in early and mid-2020. If you did not receive an email from us and you had an account, then your balance was zero in March 2020.

Please note, as per our Terms of Service ( Stronghold deducts an inactivity fee of USD10 per month (or equivalent) or as otherwise communicated to you in service closure notices for accounts not used or accessed for more than 12 months, or 6 months in the case of an unverified account.

We are unable to provide further assistance regarding any prior accounts that no longer have a balance. The service remained open until May 2020 for customers to export transaction records and we are no longer providing these.

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